Uzhgorod Hotels:

    Old Continent hotel, Uzhgorod

    Old Continent hotel, Uzhgorod

    General information:
    Located in the heart of the city. Rooms are of different categories.
    Decsription: Hotel Old Continent is located in the center of Uzhgorod, near the river Oh. The hotel has 30 rooms in various categories. All rooms free internet access, satellite TV, mini-bar. The hotel has a restaurant, a boutique, a lobby bar and summer terrace.

    Hotel Duet Plus, Uzhgorod

    Hotel Duet Plus, Uzhgorod

    General information:
    Сozy and modern hotel in the center of Uzhgorod with a fine restaurant.
    Decsription: Hotel Duet Plus is located in the center of Uzhgorod. The convenient location allows quick and easy access to anywhere in the city. The hotel has 38 rooms of various categories, which can accommodate up to 100 people. Also, there is a restaurant and conference hall.

    Ungvarsky hotel, Uzhgorod

    Ungvarsky hotel, Uzhgorod

    General information:
    Отель расположен в Ужгороде. В отеле номера 4-х категорий.
    Decsription: Отель Унгварский расположен в Ужгороде. В отеле удачное месторасположение относительно центра города, жд вокзала, аэропорта. В отеле 44 номера 4-х категорий. К услугам гостей охраняемая автостоянка, бесплатный Wi-Fi, банный комплекс, ресторан.

    Atlant hotel, Uzhgorod

    Atlant hotel, Uzhgorod

    General information:
    Отель в историческом центре Ужгорода. Номера 4-х категорий.
    Decsription: Отель Атлант расположен в историческом центре Ужгорода. В отеле комфортабельные номера 4-х категорий. Гости отеля могут посетить, ресторан, сауну, воспользоваться услугами конференц зала.

    Camelot hotel, Kamynitsa

    Camelot hotel, Kamynitsa

    General information:
    36 rooms. The hotel is 15 minutes. away from the city of Uzhgorod.
    Decsription: The hotel offers: restaurant, sports complex, which consists of three football fields, sauna, billiards.

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