Hotels in Lvov and region

г.Трускавец ул. Стебницкая, 27в
Гостиничный комплекс расположен в уютном уголке старого Львова, где всегда можно отдохнуть от суетливых улиц города или провести деловую встречу.

On this page you can choose a town in Lvov where you intend to stay at a hotel. If the list of towns is not complete and you do not see the town you need, please search necessary hotels in search engines. At any rate we will constantly expand the number of hotels in Lvov, that render high quality services to their guests with the help of internet.

             Select a hotel in Lvov region :

Hotels in Lvov

Hotels in Slavskoe

Hotels in Truskavets

Hotels in Skhodnitsa