Hotels in Transcarpathia

Hotel in the resort Glade. Rooms 4 categories.
В 20-50 метрах от гостиницы находится подъемник Цибуленко и т/б Драгобрат.
Гостиница в Мукачево. Номера 3-х категорий.

This section of our resource is devoted to the hotels in Transcarpathia, where you can stay for rest. If some particular towns of Transcarpathia, hotels of which you would like to stay at, are not listed, please go to the search through Internet. We are going to expand the list of hotels in Transcarpathia, which provide the customers with the high-quality service by Internet means.

             Select a hotel in Transcarpathia :

Hotels in Rakhov

Hotels in Khust

Hotels in Svalyava
Hotels in Beregovo
Hotels in Dragobrat
Hotels in Mizhgirya
Hotels in Mukachevo
Hotels in Uzhgorod